Friday 31 May 2013

The Final Outcome

Since the beginning of my project, I have developed my work in so many ways. To begin with my concept of positive and negative lighting was soley 'just because I wanted to'. However, from research it became more apparent just how import light is in video games and how it is utilized to convey every aspect in it's design. Most importantly my focus was the light accentuates colour, texture, theme and 'emotion'. How light is used to manipulate the feelings of a person. An environment doesn't need to physically change in order to express a change in emotion. As I proved in my renders and research, texture, colour and material remained untouched throughout my process. Yet through lighting in different ways with certain techniques, altered the mood instantly.

Also up to this point I realized just how powerful light and colour are. In the earlier parts of BA8 I made advertisement posters to accentuate the theme of the futuristic environment. However, now after looking at how powerful light is on it's own. I have decided not to use any of my posters at all. Although they still conveyed the theme and meaning very well, I didn't feel it was needed to get my point across. This project for me is all about light. How light manipulates it's environment and generates emotional themes. If I can effectively light my scene to express those feelings, posters will only obstruct or distract what's important.

A lot has changed for me in this project. Such as my over ambitious decision to make a map on such a grand scale. However, in the time frame it would have been too much. In making that decision though, I was able to focus more on a singular area and generate something with much better quality. Although it was a sacrifice, it was certainly worth it. Also deciding not to use UDK was a bit of a frustration for me, as I understood the importance of the engine. However, I found it too difficult to pursue that ambition without the help I required (to no fault of the tutors) I was still able to show evidence of how important it is to make objects efficient enough for exporting and also how to transfer maps. I did take something very important away from it, even though I didn't use it in the end.

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